
Yoga, the very genuine yoga practices described

Sirsasana | Head Stand Yoga Pose

Sirsasana induces relaxation and fights stress, apart from curing vertigo. It can also contribute to overcoming problems related to kidneys, liver, stomach, intestine, and reproductive system.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana | Upward Facing Dog Pose

Benefits of Urdhva Mukha Svanasana are that it stretches and strengthens the back, thus relieving the body of lower backache. Most of the body weight is borne by the arms and wrists, thus strengthening them. This yoga pose helps improve the body posture and also stimulates the abdominal organs.

Virabhadrasana 2 | Warrior Pose 2

Benefits of Virabhadrasana 2 are that it strengthens and tones the arms, legs, and lower back. It also improves body’s balance and increases stamina. This posture is beneficial for those with sedentary or desk jobs and is extremely beneficial to heal frozen shoulders. Additionally, it also effectively releases stress from shoulders in a short span of time.

NCERT Launches Online Yoga Quiz Competition to Promote Integration of Yoga in School Curriculum

NCERT has developed textual materials on Yoga for Healthy Living for Upper Primary to Secondary Stages and also has been organising Yoga Olympiad since 2016. In COVID-19 situation children are being guided by their teachers and parents at home to do yogic practices along with physical exercises based on Alternative Academic Calendar developed for different stages of school education.

Shalabhasana | Locust Yoga Pose

Shalabhasana’s benefits include improved flexibility and strength of back, shoulders and arms. Tones the nerves and muscles, especially in neck and shoulders. Performing this posture massages and tones abdominal organs, and improves digestion.

Halasana | Plow Yoga Pose

Halasana yoga pose strengthens and opens up the neck, shoulders, abs and back muscles. It also calms the nervous system, reduces stress and fatigue. This asana tones the legs, improves leg flexibility, stimulates the thyroid gland and strengthens immune system. It also helps women during menopause.