I hate Diet- Life hack for sticking with diet

I Hate Diet

Almost every fruit is recommended. I am often warned by my patients, “my doctor told me I am not to eat fruits.” The older research considered only the glycemic index of individual fruits and word spread around. Fruits are now known to be more beneficial than harmful.

I just had to say this. I hate diet. I’ll tell you why, it has “die” in it. Yes, Diet has “die” in it and heavens no, I don’t want to die eating! I said it. I had to say this. Almost everyone talks about diet and I hate it. This is a burden off my shoulder.

The question now emerges how to feast and lose weight? Oh yes, it can be done. None of us can do anything that we hate for long. If we continue to do things that we don’t enjoy, we make ourselves miserable and that is not recommended. We all love to feast, we all love to indulge. We talked about chewing every morsel of food at least 20-25 times; as we have established this as part of our life, it’s about time we introduce raw fruits and vegetables in our regular meals. Feast on raw fruits and vegetables, feast on salads and feast on what you enjoy; all the while chew your food 20-25 times. Add a bowl of fresh fruits with every meal. Recent research indicates that eating fresh salads before your meal is more beneficial. The scientific logic being, these food are passed out of stomach readily, unlike oily and cooked food, which tend to stay in our stomachs. Eating fresh fruits after meals ends up with these foods floating over meal, and the absorption of these fresh foods are hampered. So there it is, eat your bowl of fresh foods then go for your regular meal, all the while chew your bite up to 20-25 times.

Almost every fruit is recommended. I am often warned by my patients, “my doctor told me I am not to eat fruits.” The older research considered only the glycemic index of individual fruits and word spread around. Fruits are now known to be more beneficial than harmful.

“The sugar in fruit is not the same as the sugar in manufactured foods and may be metabolized differently. And there are other nutrients in fruit that may benefit in other ways.” – Dr. Huaidong Du.

Dr. Huaidong Du has the established research in this field and has been accepted in scientific communities. You can search the details of research online for more information. Bottom line is fruits are safe. Add fresh vegetables and reduce the quantity of complex carbohydrates and cooked cereals. For predominant rice, wheat, and oat eating populations of world, my recommendation is to eat your cereals. Your body and gut has established a balance in it. However, reduce the quantity by introducing fresh fruits and vegetables.

Meat-eating populations and egg-eating people can continue to eat unless recommended by
your physician or nutritionist. Genetically, meat-eating population have poor systems to absorb and process vegetable nutrition, since our ancestors have evolved that way. The body has capabilities to absorb vegetable nutrition and it can be acquired; however sudden shift can be difficult unless you supplement proteins and vitamins.

We are developing a step-by-step program on how to eat for those of you who want direct
recommendation on type of foods, time of eating, and fixing the gut health with fermented foods. But those who can help themselves, I am sharing the steps here. Chew your food 20-25 times. Feasting on raw and fresh foods. At least 40% of your every meal must have this raw component.

Enjoy what you do. If you don’t enjoy, you cannot do it for long. If you can’t figure what you can eat healthy and enjoy, connect with us. We are happy to help you toward health.

Author: Dr.Arjun – B.Sc(Hons) , MBBS; C.Ht : CHII, DCC; M.Sc(Applied Psychology) | Founder: Transformhabits
With wide range of experience as Medical Doctor and as Counselor, Dr. Arjun Thimmaiah loves practicing integrated,holistic and functional medicine. Dr.A believes, “We live in a vibrant and thriving society, where in our body and mind should maintain a balance. It is challenging for most people to embrace life and make healthy choices. A dynamic balance between love and survival is essential for life.” He has structured numerous bio hacks to transform his clients physically, mentally and spiritually. The interrelated aspects of mind and body; happiness and health are like 2 sides of same coin; Dr.A has structured numerous programs to integrate these factors. Having travelled to almost every state in India, Dr.A is fluent in 9 languages and has immersed himself in social services over a decade.

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