Hunt for Happiness

Hunt for Happiness

When we notice an emotion being experienced on TV or in other media we reflect it. We experience the sensations in our body when we see pain or pleasure in movies. Brain has these mirror neurons which control us more than we are aware.

Humanity has chased happiness ever since the concept of self-actualization has been recorded. Numerous theoretical, psychological, social, and spiritual explanations have been expounded. In this article, I am not going to answer the question, “What is happiness?” Instead, I will be explaining how to reach that state of physical and emotional well being, despite fluctuations of the external environment.

Before getting into this let me explain the difference between the words “feelings” and “sensation” because these words will be frequently used. “Feeling” is an emotional or mental experience. “Sensations” are physical or visceral. Feelings emerge in our thought process and body reacts to it as sensation. Happiness has both enjoyable feelings and pleasant sensations. Every child is known to be happy until it learns “the way of world.” The adult patterns of fear, insecurities, and indecisions are then ingrained into a child. Once established these three patterns are primary hurdles against happiness. Awareness, and facing these behaviors of fear, insecurities, and indecision is easy once you deal with procrastination.

A recent study classified happiness into four broad groups. Thousands of people were questioned “What gives you happiness?” The answers, although personal, carried a theme:

1) Perceived Progress – growth and development in business, learning, and personal assets is perceived as happiness.

2) Perceived Inter-connection – relationship, friendship, pets, or state-of-being connected with other life forms was experienced as happiness by many people.

3) Perceived Control – being In charge, being in control, being in powerful position, and being in commanding authority in family or team was perceived as happiness by some.

4) Perceived Adherence to Goal, Vision, or Higher Power – spiritual goals, God, in line with religious beliefs or higher beings, was experienced as happiness by many.

Each of us, when being asked to recall past events, link happiness to one, or more than one, of the broad classifications. Once you identify your form of happiness, you can continue to engage in your pattern of happiness.

There are certain times when your chase for happiness is cut short because indulgence in the above forms is not possible or is not engaging enough. Beyond the scientific classifications, there is one lesser known form.

Have you noticed an infant chewing food when mother chews food? Have you noticed children mimicking dancing and songs like professionals? If yes, the reason for this behavior are mirror neurons. When we notice an emotion being experienced on TV or in other media we reflect it. We experience the sensations in our body when we see pain or pleasure in movies. Brain has these mirror neurons which control us more than we are aware. Every religion talks of helping others. Service to mankind is seen as a religious duty. This service, or providing help to others, makes the recipient feel good. These feelings reflect in us, and we feel good. This is the other, lesser known form of happiness. Happiness is service.

Service without judgment is the answer for long lasting happiness. DO NOT think too much about the person receiving your gift. If you are not comfortable with money, give food.

Yes, science has an explanation for service and helping others.
Hands that help are holier than lips that pray. This is simply because, those who help are happier than those who just pray.

Author: Dr.Arjun – B.Sc(Hons) , MBBS; C.Ht : CHII, DCC; M.Sc(Applied Psychology) | Founder: Transformhabits
With wide range of experience as Medical Doctor and as Counselor, Dr. Arjun Thimmaiah loves practicing integrated,holistic and functional medicine. Dr.A believes, “We live in a vibrant and thriving society, where in our body and mind should maintain a balance. It is challenging for most people to embrace life and make healthy choices. A dynamic balance between love and survival is essential for life.” He has structured numerous bio hacks to transform his clients physically, mentally and spiritually. The interrelated aspects of mind and body; happiness and health are like 2 sides of same coin; Dr.A has structured numerous programs to integrate these factors. Having travelled to almost every state in India, Dr.A is fluent in 9 languages and has immersed himself in social services over a decade.

Image Courtesy: Yoga Journal