Chanakya Neeti

The great Indian diplomat and his ways of diplomacy

Matsya Nyaya

It will be seen that this Hindu theory of government was based on a belief in the innate depravity of man. If there is no strong authority to keep men under control, the stronger would destroy the weaker, just as the big fish destroy the small fish in the sea. Government, rulers and laws become necessary to prevent this “Matsya Nyaya” operating in human society.

The Mandala Concept

The Mandala concept is one in which there are circles of friends and foes with the central point being the Principle King and his State.
This is a well thought out strategy to consolidate power for the Kingdom who employs this concept.
Mandala in Sanskrit means ‘Circle’. The concept is also known as ‘RAJAMANDALA’ meaning, ‘CIRCLE OF KINGS’.