Kautilya on Diplomacy

Kautilya was a firm believer of the notion,  that world nations acted in their political, economic and military self-interest. In modern International relations there is a saying among the circles that “There are no permanent friends or permanent enemies, only permanent interests.”  This is the key for maintaining an ‘INDEPENDENT FOREIGN POLICY’.

Chanakya believed that, foreign  policy or diplomacy will be exercised as long as the self-interest of the nation is served because every nation acts in a way to maximize the power and self  interest,  to evolve into a more credible power among nations. He understood that the world was in such a state that a kingdom was either at war or was preparing for a war and diplomacy was just another weapon used in this constant warfare. He believed that diplomacy is a series of practical actions taken by a kingdom, such that as it gains strength and credibility will be able to  eventually conquer the nation with which diplomatic ties were created.

Kautilya, believed that treaties with other nations or kingdoms should be made in such a way that King benefits and serves  the self-interest of the Kingdom. He did talk about violating treaties and creating  friction between states so that his kingdom might benefit from the fight between other states, which is what  Bismarck’s Real-politic on treaties is all about.

Kautilya described three types of political system . They are 1) Making of Rules, 2) Determination of Rules, 3) Implementation of Rules. This is the method by which Kautilya brought diplomacy  at the forefront of state’s affairs.

Kautilya defines diplomacy as, “A King who understands the true implication of diplomacy conquers the whole world”

To understand his concept of diplomacy it is important to understand the Mandala concept, six types of foreign policy and four solutions.

Author: Sorcerer