
News, articles and Essays on Sanatana Dharma, Hinduism and Indian way of life.

Anantha Shesha Naga – The Remainder

Anantha meaning Eternal, unbounded, innumerable, i.e. endless or boundless whether in time, in space. His name comes from the Sanskrit root “sis”, which means, “the One which Remains”. This is due to the fact that Shesha always remains in spite of all the Pralayas (Great Floods), each of which Kalpas (aeons) and yugas (eras) in the past. Interestingly, in Sanskrit texts; especially in those relating to mathematical calculation; the term “Shesha” implies the “remainder” – that which remains, while all else ceases to exist.

The Forgotten Kingdom

Legend has it that Choudwar was the capital city of King Virata who ruled over the ‘Matshya Desha’ in ‘Dwapara Yuga’. He had constructed a grand palace at the centre of his capital. Besides, he was instrumental in building eight temples dedicated to Lord Shiva in the capital city. The shrines were popularly known as Chateswar, Bateswar, Kedareswar, Uttareswar, Maninageswar, Balunkeswar, Kapaleswar and Jhoteswar temples.

Lord Shiva, Lord Vishnu and Sudharshana Chakra

Sudarshan Chakra meaning “one that has auspicious vision.” Sudarshan Chakra is composed of two Sanskrit words, “Su” + “Darshana” meaning auspicious (Su) vision (Darshana). The word Chakra is derived from ‘chruhu’ meaning movement and ‘kruhu’ meaning to do. Chakra means that which is movement. It was created by the combined energy of Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara.

Does Agnihotra Homa Offer Protection from Corona Virus?

The name Agnihotra gained widespread attention soon after the Bhopal Gas Tragedy in 1984 when it was found that four or five families living near the Bhopal railway station remained unaffected by the poisonous gas that surrounds them. Seeing the inevitable staring at them the families decided to stay back and do Agnihotra Homa. And wonder of wonders they were the sole survivors in that part of the city affected by the leaking gas.

Central Sanskrit Universities Bill, 2020 Stands Passed

The Central Sanskrit Universities Bill, 2020 has been passed by the Parliament after it was passed by Rajya Sabha today. The Lok Sabha had already passed the Bill on 12th December 2019. Speaking after the passing of the Bill, Union HRD Minister Shri Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ thanked the Members of the House for their support in passing the Bill .