Body in its Natural Environment

Body in Its Natural Environment

75% of the immunological activity is happening in the gut. This system used to get rest until about 80 years ago, and now it is never given the rest it needs.

Body heals. Doctor helps it heal.

The human body survives well in its natural environment. We live on land, breathe, sleep, eat certain foods which are adapted by our genetic pool; foods with salts, proteins and carbohydrates. Today, we have genetic mixing, geographical relocations, globalization, and nutritional availability; all these altered lifestyles have an impact on our body. It is our duty to honour our body. The body has innate capabilities to heal once we provide it with a natural environment. By indulging in practicing excess or deprivation of certain substances we can hurt the body.

Excess of elixir is poisonous. Too much of anything should be avoided.

Colonization across the world has provided human gene pool stabilization. Intermixed genes have reduced chances of disease traits in population. Global capitalism has provided food and connectivity to almost every part of world. Unless a country deliberately closes itself off, food is made available to everyone.

This boon of widespread availability has, however, turned into a bane. Till about 80 years ago, droughts and famines were part of human evolution. Religious practices also ensured that fasting from food was a norm. The advertising and cereal industries publicized a norm of three or more meals a day. They claimed that the body needs routine and, so, we imbibed a diet of 3 meals plus a snack. This practice has numerous advantages like basic nutritional requirements being met. The draw back of this practice is that our gut and intestines are always kept busy. The decayed stools and bacteria in the gut ensure that the immune system of the body is always active. 75% of the immunological activity is happening in the gut. This system used to get rest until about 80 years ago, and now it is never given the rest it needs. Our body has NOT evolved for the 3 meal diet yet. The foods which humans used to eat were predominantly raw fruits and vegetables, and cooked meat. Today we have shifted to a predominantly carbohydrate rich meal comprising of wheat, rice, oats, millets, other fancy sugars. The body is not yet used to such high glucose levels constantly fed to it. We will be building on treating immunological diseases and numerous chronic diseases using this model of taking the body back to its natural environment.

We also have developed some Bio-hacks. Bio-hacks are short cuts to heal the body faster using newer scientifically tested practices. Breathing techniques to heal, eating techniques to heal, sleeping hacks to feel healthier in our future chapters.

For today, let us take one step closer to the natural method of living, irrespective of body type. Let’s go to largest organ of body: Skin. We use soaps today which draw oil out of the skin. The oil glands are present on the skin to keep it moisturized. Soap removes this protective oil and body increases the oil gland numbers to ensure the skin is healthy. When we change soap or water its PH varies, the skin hence starts to flare or throw reactions. The natural cleansing agents were ash (PH >7) or Gram Flour (besan powder). There are a few newer brands of soap which leave oily moisturized sensations on skin that are also good. If you can’t change soap then it is recommended you use moisturizer lotion on skin regularly. That way our largest organ can stay healthy for long time.

Author: Dr.Arjun – B.Sc(Hons) , MBBS; C.Ht : CHII, DCC; M.Sc(Applied Psychology) | Founder: Transformhabits
With wide range of experience as Medical Doctor and as Counselor, Dr. Arjun Thimmaiah loves practicing integrated,holistic and functional medicine. Dr.A believes, “We live in a vibrant and thriving society, where in our body and mind should maintain a balance. It is challenging for most people to embrace life and make healthy choices. A dynamic balance between love and survival is essential for life.” He has structured numerous bio hacks to transform his clients physically, mentally and spiritually. The interrelated aspects of mind and body; happiness and health are like 2 sides of same coin; Dr.A has structured numerous programs to integrate these factors. Having travelled to almost every state in India, Dr.A is fluent in 9 languages and has immersed himself in social services over a decade.

Image Courtesy: Chiroway