Importance of sleeping

Beauty Sleep

Numerous independent studies have linked sleep with the health of every organ of the body and almost every disease. Although no research could define exactly what sleep benefit and lack of sleep are, it is being extensively explored.

Beauty Sleep” is indeed what quality sleep should be called. I have a confession to make: I don’t sleep enough, but I shall fix it. The recent research and data collected has remarkably placed sleep as more important than diet, exercise, and relationship when measuring quality of life. An average adult needs 7-9 hours of quality sleep according to recent studies. One third of our life is spent sleeping. Sleep deprivation and sleep debt is known to impair the brain’s higher mental capabilities. The prefrontal cortex is the region of brain that manages intelligence and discrimination, and adequate sleep is known to help in optimal functioning of this region. A person who is awake for 20-21 hours has a similar brain pattern of person under the influence of alcohol. For instance, the former president of USA, Bill Clinton, was known for his pattern of sleep deprivation. Following his impeachment he was reported he said, “Every important mistake I made was made when I was tired.”

Numerous independent studies have linked sleep with the health of every organ of the body and almost every disease. Although no research could define exactly what sleep benefit and lack of sleep are, it is being extensively explored.

Let me elaborate on the current understanding of sleep. Adequate sleep helps in 55% more fat loss, by showing a higher metabolism of well-rested individuals in comparison to a control group with deprived sleep. Human Growth Hormone (HGH) in adults is produced in deep sleep and increases energy levels as well as lean muscle mass; and is also muscle-protective in nature. Leptin is a body-satiety hormone. This hormone increases with sleep and makes one feel satisfied earlier when eating. Ghrelin is a hunger hormone that is released when we lose sleep, which explains midnight snacking for individuals who have trouble sleeping. The sewage system of the brain, the glymphatic system, is known to be ​ 10 times more activated in sleep​ .

Lack of sleep is very similar to high physical or emotional stress. There are symptoms of high adrenaline activity, hampered immunity, and reduced serotonin when high blood pressure is predominant, as is the case in times of stress. Beta-Amyloid is cleaned during sleep by the Glymphatic system. If not, Alzheimer-like symptoms are established. Lack of sleep, in other words, is self-euthanasia. The World Health Organization has established, “Shift work involving disruption of normal sleep routines is currently classified as an IARC 2A carcinogen.”

Sleep is disturbed by light, especially blue light and white light. One hour of screen light is known to hamper sleep by 30 minutes. Red light has no impact on sleep, probably since paleolithic times, since we have evolved by the fire. Recent study at Cornell University has proven that skin has photoreceptors that get activated by light. The generally accepted norm that 6 hours of sleep is adequate, has been shown to be outdated and false. The high incidence of Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension is associated with sleeping patterns of less than 6.5 hours. PCOS (earlier PCOD) is stress-associated condition seen in younger females who function with less than 7 hours of sleep. Smaller testicles and low sperm count is also recorded in men with disturbed sleep.

Considering all the above factors, following conclusion and steps are essential for all our lives.

  • Sleep for a minimum of 7 hours is essential.
  • Impose a screen curfew 2 hours before sleep.
  • If you are using smartphones install a blue light filter on Android or activate “night mode” on iPhones and use flux filter apps on computers.
  • I love coffee, but scientists recommend to cut coffee post noon, as caffeine is known to hamper deep sleep.
  • Epsom salt, Mg supplements and avocados are recognized to help people sleep better.
  • Morning exercise is considered better against noon or evening exercise and helps deeper sleep.
  • Exposure to sunlight on skin is known to help sleep.
  • Meditation during mornings for 20 minutes for 8 weeks is found to have cured 100% of subjects suffering from insomnia.

Author: Dr.Arjun – B.Sc(Hons) , MBBS; C.Ht : CHII, DCC; M.Sc(Applied Psychology) | Founder: Transformhabits
With wide range of experience as Medical Doctor and as Counselor, Dr. Arjun Thimmaiah loves practicing integrated,holistic and functional medicine. Dr.A believes, “We live in a vibrant and thriving society, where in our body and mind should maintain a balance. It is challenging for most people to embrace life and make healthy choices. A dynamic balance between love and survival is essential for life.” He has structured numerous bio hacks to transform his clients physically, mentally and spiritually. The interrelated aspects of mind and body; happiness and health are like 2 sides of same coin; Dr.A has structured numerous programs to integrate these factors. Having travelled to almost every state in India, Dr.A is fluent in 9 languages and has immersed himself in social services over a decade.

Image Courtesy: Daily Advent Nigeria