Health Benefits Hero pose Virasana and Steps of Hero Pose Virasana

Yog Deep With Gayathri Ramesh – Virasana– Episode 13

Virasana or Hero Pose is a kneeling asana in modern yoga. Medieval hatha yoga texts describe a cross-legged meditation asana under the same name.

(veer-AHS-anna) vira = man, hero, chief’s basic, sitting posture, Virasna is excellent for meditation. Although it is a wonderful pose to keep your knees mobile and healthy, but you should avoid this asana if you have a knee or ankle injury. In Sanskrit, “Veera” means man, hero, or chief and “asana “ Means, Pose.

Health Benefits Of Virasana

  • Stretches the hips, thighs, knees, ankles and feet
  • Improves circulation and relieves tired legs
  • Strengthens foot arches, relieving flat feet
  • Improves digestion and relieves gas
  • Helps relieve the symptoms of menopause
  • Improves posture Reduces swelling of the legs during pregnancy (through second trimester)
  • Therapeutic for asthma and high blood pressure
  • It stretches thighs, knees, ankles and feet.
  • Useful in meditation. Relieve legs tiredness.
  • Virasana improves blood circulation in legs.
  • It improves digestion.
  • Beneficial in gas problems.
  • Cures the symptoms of menopause.
  • During pregnancy it helps to reduce swelling of the legs (through second trimester).
  • Useful in Asthma and high blood pressure. It relaxes the legs.

Image Courtesy:Yoga Awakening Africa