Understanding Kundalini- Understanding the Serpent

Kundalini, is a mysterious source of energy which is immersed in mystery itself.

Kundalini-  The Sanskrit word ‘Kundala ‘ means unending spiral or ring and Kundalini means Serpent. The Yoga Upanishads describe Kundalini as being ‘coiled’ at the base of the spine, and is represented by a snake or serpent. In the Indian version of describing life energy, which is also called the energy of consciousness, comes into the egg inside the womb during the conception phase. This stimulates the growth of the fetus, where it coils at the base of the spine. Until and unless it is awakened by the methods of Yoga and meditation, such remains in the coiled position at the base of the spine. It can be concluded that all the knowledge in the world is available within us all under the base of our spine.

Through the methods of Kundalini, such a coiled form of life energy can be uncoiled and awakned, such is called Kundalini Awakening.

Why Serpent?

Through out the Indian history and mythology, snake has a prominent presence as a symbolic representation. The sacred texts have associated serpent in the Indian context with life, health, and renewal. Thus serpent is a symbol of eternity and continual renewal of life.

Kundalini is also illustrated by many as two serpents intertwined around one another as they climb the spine. The shape of the serpent coupling is nearly identical to the design of double helix DNA.

As mentioned earlier, Indian context has desribed snakes in its many versions. You would see many Hindu Gods adorned with the serpent or being with the serpent. Snake is a symbolism that is used to denote Adishakthi. Adishakthi is the primordial mother. Kundalini Is the representation of the Adishakthi existing in each one of us.

Most commonly, kundalini is illustrated as a sleeping serpent coiled three and a half times. The number three is representative of the states of consciousness, while the half represents the transcendent, or higher, consciousness — which must be awakened in order to attain the commune with the divine.


