Russia's S-400 missile defence system to delivered in April 2023:

Second Batch of Indian Specialists Undergo S-400 Missile Training as Delivery Nears

As India and Russia eye on the delivery of the S-400 Triumf Air Defence System, the training of the Indian specialists moves according to the plan on how to operate the S-400 system. Over 100 personnel of the Indian Army Force (IAF) were sent to Russia in the last week of January and in the recent development, the first group of Indian specialists has completed the training, while the second part of the training is underway.

As India and Russia eye on the delivery of the S-400 Triumf Air Defence System, the training of the Indian specialists moves according to the plan on how to operate the S-400 system. Over 100 personnel of the Indian Army Force (IAF) were sent to Russia in the last week of January and in the recent development, the first group of Indian specialists has completed the training, while the second part of the training is underway. According to a statement by Almaz-Antey, Vyacheslav Dzirkaln, deputy CEO of Almaz-Antey during the Army 2021 International Military-Technical Forum, “As for the training, the first group of Indian specialists completed the training. The second group is undergoing training.”

The S-400 system that is meant for India is undergoing the process of production and trials in Russia. In the fourth quarter of this year, Russia will commence the delivery of the first regimental set of long-range air defence systems S-400. In October 2018, India inked a contract of $5.43 billion with Russia for five S-400 regiments.

S-400 systems: What is India expected to get?

Sophisticated S-400 Triumf ‘SA-21 Growler’ is known as Russia’s most advanced long-range surface-to-air missile (SAM) system. The ‘Triumf’ interceptor-based missile system has the capability to detect and destroy incoming hostile aircraft, high and low targets and even drones at ranges of up to 400km. These systems are built to destroy aerial threats, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) as well as cruise and ballistic missiles within the range of 400km at an altitude of up to 30km. The system is also equipped to simultaneously engage 36 targets. An upgraded version of the S-300, the S-400 is said to be twice as effective and can easily be deployed within five minutes.

In 2019, the first tranche of payment of around $800 million had been made by India to Russia for the surface-to-air missile defence systems. S-400 will act as game changers and booster dose for the Indian Air Force, as stated by former IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal B.S. Dhanoa on various occasions.
