President’s Medal for Vivekanand Vasudev Marathe

New Delhi: VivekanandVasudevMarathe, Senior Civil Defence Inspector of South Western Railway,has been awarded the President’s Civil Defence Medalfor his distinguished service in civil defence.

New Delhi: Vivekanand Vasudev Marathe, Senior Civil Defence Inspector of South Western Railway,has been awarded the President’s Civil Defence Medal for his distinguished service in civil defence.

Rajnath Singh, Union Minister of Home Affairs, presented the medal to Marathe at Vigyan Bhavan, on Thursday, on the occasion of Raising Day celebration of Civil Defence & Home Guards.

Civil Defence organisation in railways , trains the employees who have volunteered to provide immediate assistance while handling emergencies/calamities and imparts them necessary skills for the same.

These volunteers are trained in protective, control and restorative measures. Volunteers so trained can minimize the adverse effects of calamities on men and materials. Their skills will come in handy to maintain the running of trains and restoring normalcy in such situations.

Marathe joined civil defence in November 1998 as a volunteer in Railways during his service, and from August 2012 he has been working as Senior Civil Defence Inspector/HQ.
Earlier Marathe got the President’s Civil Defence Medal in January, 2013 for his meritorious service.


Image Courtesy: The Hans India