Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi will release the next instalment of financial benefit under Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) on 25th December 2020 at 12 noon via video conferencing. With the push of a button, the Prime Minister will enable the transfer of more than Rs. 18,000 crore (US$ 2.43 billion) to more than 9 crores beneficiary farmer families.
Prime Minister will also have a conversation with farmers from six different States during the event. The farmers will share their experiences with PM-KISAN and also on various other initiatives taken by the Government for the welfare of farmers. Union Agriculture Minister will also be present on the occasion.
Under the PM-KISAN Scheme, a financial benefit of Rs. 6000/- (US$ 81.11) per year is provided to the eligible beneficiary farmers, payable in three equal 4-monthly instalments of Rs. 2000/- (US$ 27.04) each. The fund is transferred directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries.
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