NEW DELHI: India emerged as the world's fifth largest economy by overtaking the UK and France in 2019, says a report.

India Could be the Third-Largest Economy in the Next Decade; MFs may be One of the Major Beneficiaries

India could be the world’s third-largest economy in the next decade, and the mutual fund industry may be a significant recipient of this transformation. The mutual fund industry is worth Rs 38 Lakh crore (US$ 510 billion) of asset under management. The largest AMC is a vintage Indian name in the Mutual Fund industry. The rise of this vintage name was inspirational as they explored the Branch Networking concept to its fullest and reaped the benefits of the same.

India could be the world’s third-largest economy in the next decade, and the mutual fund industry may be a significant recipient of this transformation. The mutual fund industry is worth Rs 38 Lakh crore (US$ 510 billion) of asset under management. The largest AMC is a vintage Indian name in the Mutual Fund industry. The rise of this vintage name was inspirational as they explored the Branch Networking concept to its fullest and reaped the benefits of the same.

Branch Networking has played an important role for promoting the idea of “Mutual Funds Sahi Hai.”, even in B towns.

The industry has evolved to a glorious investment plethora during the last 15-20 years. Despite this massive transformation, Rs 38 Lakh crore (US$ 510 billion) seems smaller. Developed economies have an equal share of assets, and countries like the U.S. are biased towards mutual funds. In the past 25 years’ data, equity mutual funds have given excellent returns on a CAGR basis and can be identified as the top asset class designed for the Indian middle class.

Branch networking will be pivotal regardless of the branch being set up in a category B town, village panchayat, gram panchayat, and tehsil.

A transformation that is not just speedy but holistic is eminent.