
News articles and essays on the Indian diplomacy at work around the world.

Centre Approves Setting Up of National Land Monetization Corp

According to an official release, NLMC would be a government-owned business with an initial authorised share capital of Rs. 5,000 crore (US$ 652.75 million) and a paid-up share capital of Rs. 150 crores (US$ 19.58 million), and its board of directors will include senior central government employees and distinguished specialists.

Petascale Supercomputer “PARAM Ganga” Established at IIT Roorkee Under National Supercomputing Mission

The National Supercomputing Mission (NSM) which is being steered jointly by Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeiTY) and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) and implemented by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, has progressed significantly. The four major pillars of the NSM, namely, Infrastructure, Applications, R&D, HRD, have been functioning efficiently to realize the goal of developing indigenous supercomputing eco system of the nation.

Brahmaputra (NW2) Gets Connected with Ganga (NW1) via Indo Bangladesh Protocol Route; Cargo Ship Carrying Foodgrains from Patna Docks at Pandu

The sustained effort to rejuvenate the historical trade routes via Bangladesh got a fillip under PM Gati Shakti. It has been envisioned that Northeast will slowly turn & convert into a connectivity hub. The integrated development plan, under PM Gati Shakti, has been envisioned in order to amp up swift movement of cargo over Brahmaputra.