Tania Sher Gill will be first woman army officer to lead men in Army Day Parade

Captain Tania Shergill will be First Woman Army Officer to Lead Army Day Parade

Tania Sher Gill,a fourth generation army officer will lead men in Army Day parade on January 15 in New Delhi. Tania was Commissioned in Mar 2017 from Officers Training Academy, Chennai

A fourth generation woman army officer has broken a glass ceiling by being the first woman to lead an all men contingent at the Army Day Parade to be held on January 15. Captain Tania Sher Gill from the Corp of Signals will be the Parade Adjutant.

Commissioned in Mar 2017 from Officers Training Academy, Chennai the officer who will take lead is a Bachelor’s of Technology in Electronics & Communications.

Her father was from artillery, grandfather from armoured and Great Grandfather an infantry soldier from the Sikh regiment. She will be first woman officer as Parade Adjutant on Army Day Parade to lead all men contingent, said an army official.

Last year Captain Bhavna Kasturi was the first woman officer to lead an all men contingent on Republic Day.

The Army Parade ground, Delhi Cantt is one of the largest and most prominent Parade ground of the country. It was renamed as Cariappa Parade ground in Dec 2016 in the honour of Field Marshal K M Cariappa, Order of British Empire, giving a befitting tribute to the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army. The Parade ground hosts multiple ceremonial Parades and events to showcase the high morale, immaculate discipline and preparedness of the Indian Army.

The Army Day is celebrated on 15 January every year in recognition of Field Marshal KM Cariappa?s taking over as the first Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Army from Sir Francis Butcher, the last British Commander in 1949. The day is celebrated in the form of parades and other military shows in the capital, as well as all six Army Command Headquarters. Army Day marks a day to salute the valiant soldiers who sacrificed their lives to protect the nation.

Image Courtesy: DAP