India to set up separate space station: ISRO chairman reveals plans to conquer space

India to Launch Its First Space Station by 2030

India will launch its first indigenously made space station by 2030, just a few years after the ‘Gaganyaan’ mission which will kick off starting 2022.

India will launch its first indigenously made space station by 2030, just a few years after the ‘Gaganyaan’ mission. The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has already begun the preparations for ‘Ganganyaan’, which includes two unmanned flights followed by the one carrying actual astronauts. Details about the preparations were provided by Union Minister in his address to the Rajya Sabha on Thursday, December 9.

India prepares for its first space station

ISRO Chief K Sivan had first opened up about the Indian-made space station in 2019, where he revealed its details. Sivan had revealed that the facility would weigh as much as 20 tonnes. Moreover, it will be fixated at an orbit 400 kilometres above the Earth and astronauts could stay for 15-20 days. As per Sivan, the space station will be launched 5-7 years after the Gaganyaan mission.

Earlier in his Rajya Sabha address, Min Singh had informed that preparations for the said mission were hardly hit due to the pandemic, however, he assured that the preparations are now “in full swing”.

India’s ‘Ganganyaan’ mission

India’s schedule in the space sector will be fairly tight starting next year as ISRO will launch the first unmanned mission under ‘Gaganyaan’ in the second half of 2022. The second unmanned flight will include a spacefaring robot named “Vyommitra”, which is being developed by ISRO and will be launched into space by the end of 2022. However, it will be 2023 which would be the real test as India will launch the first astronaut with homegrown technology, becoming the fourth country after USA, Russia and China to achieve such a feat.

In addition to these space projects, ISRO is also preparing for Chandrayaan 3 bound for the Moon, Aditya-L1 mission to study the sun plus a mission to Venus, all before launching the space station.