Leadership Skills Helped Me Conduct URI: The Surgical Strike | Lt. Gen. RR Nimbhorkar |

Leadership Skills Helped Me Conduct URI

Flashbacks of the URI terror attacks, the planning required to conduct the URI surgical strike and saving a jawan, Lt. Gen. RR Nimbhorkar is the example of true leadership in action. Watch this Josh Talk and know how he pulled off the mission.

We all have leadership qualities within us, which need to be executed in times of crisis and extreme situations. When it comes to the leadership skills and qualities needed to protect the entire nation, the leadership taken has to be rigorous and spontaneous. Answering the biggest question on how to be a leader, especially when the country is at stake, Lt. General(retd) RR Nimbhorkar, the man behind the surgical strikes, recounts his experiences as a leader post the URI attacks.

Leadership Skills Helped Me Conduct URI

Image Courtesy: DB