ISI-Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh hatched plot in UK to strike India ahead of LS polls

ISI-Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh Hatched Plot in UK to Strike India Ahead of LS Polls

ISI-Jamaat-e-Islami, Bangladesh hatched plot in UK to strike India ahead of LS polls

New Delhi, Jan 7: It has been over a week since the investigations into the busted Islamic State inspired module have commenced. When the group which went by the name Harkat-ul Harb e Islam was busted, it was said that it was inspired by the Islamic State.

However, there appears to be a twist in the tale after the NIA discovered two calls made by the alleged kingpin of the module to Pakistan and Bangladesh. The NIA says that the module was being headed by Mufti Suhail, a resident of Amroha in Uttar Pradesh from where the majority of the arrests were made.

During the course of the investigation the NIA learnt that Suhail was being handled by a Pakistani. The chat transcripts with the agent, Abu Malik unearthed clearly suggested that the instructions were coming from across the border.

However a call that was made by Suhail in October 2018 to a member of the Jamaat-e-Islami Bangladesh has made the case even more curious. The call was made in October from the United Kingdom in which Suhail is told to start preparing to launch operations. He was told that the operations would be launched and from January onwards there would be a series of attacks running up to the elections.

The revelation comes in the wake of various reports suggesting that the ISI was trying to meddle in the recently concluded Bangladesh elections. Both the ISI and the Jamaat have opposed India’s support to the Awami League. The operative who called Suhail tries to indicate that India’s support to the Awami League must be avenged and hence a series of attacks need to be launched.

Indian officials confirm that the ISI was trying to influence the Bangladesh elections. An ET report said that the ISI was pumping in huge sums of money to ensure that the BNP wins the elections. The report also says that the conspiracy was hatched by the ISI and was being controlled from the UK. had reported last month that a huge sum of money was brought illegally from abroad to influence the elections. The report while quoting RAB Director, General Benazir Ahmed said that a horrible conspiracy had been foiled. He said that around 1.5 billion Taka had come in from Dubai and the aim was to influence the national elections.

Warning bells:

India faces a very crucial election this year. The intelligence agencies are reporting extensive activity by ISI moles and agents to disrupt the polls and create havoc ahead of the polls.

The recently busted module by the NIA was one part of that operation, officials tell OneIndia. However Pakistan wants the deniability factor and hence uses the name of the Islamic State to launch new operations in India.

Intelligence agencies in India have always maintained that the operations of the so called ISIS inspired modules in India are not being handled from Iraq or Syria. In the busting of every module, we have come across clear instances of the events being staged by Pakistan.

The ISIS problem in India have been two-fold. One is the setting up of modules, while the other is regarding recruitments for the mainland. Be it modules in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Delhi or Uttar Pradesh, they have all been staged by Pakistan. In each case, the Pakistan link has cropped up and the handler has always been traced to that country.

IB officials say that the ISI and the Jamaat would also look to activate modules in West Bengal and the neighbouring areas ahead of the elections. The ISI and Jamaat are clearly unhappy with India backing the Awami League over the BNP. There would be attempts to avenge the support that India is handing out to the ruling party in Bangladesh, IB officials also say.


Image Courtesy:Channel1