India green-lights UAE, Kuwait request for ex-military doctors, nurses

India green-lights UAE, Kuwait request for ex-military doctors, nurses

Indian Navy Undertakes Bilateral Exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ with UAE Navy

INS Kochi, with two integral Sea King MK 42B helicopters, deployed in the Persian Gulf, participated in the exercise. UAE participated with UAES AL – Dhafra, a Baynunah class guided missile corvette and one AS – 565B Panther helicopter.

Indian Navy undertook bilateral exercise ‘Zayed Talwar 2021’ with UAE Navy on 7th August 2021 off the coast of Abu Dhabi.

INS Kochi, with two integral Sea King MK 42B helicopters, deployed in the Persian Gulf, participated in the exercise.

UAE participated with UAES AL – Dhafra, a Baynunah class guided missile corvette and one AS – 565B Panther helicopter.

As part of the exercise, the ships undertook tactical manoeuvres, Over the Horizon Targeting, Search and Rescue and Electronic Warfare exercises to enhance interoperability and synergy between the two navies.

Helicopters were extensively used all through the exercise ranging from Search and Rescue serial to passing of targeting data to ships for simulated missile engagement drills.