Boosting ‘Make in India’ food strategy hitting nation’s hopes of regional free trade agreements

India’s Processed Food Products Exports Witnessed A Growth of 26.51% During April-February2020-21

Notwithstanding challenges faced by COVID19 pandemic, India’s export of processed food products has witnessed a growth of 26.51%in Rupee term during April-February (2020-21), compared to the same period during the previous year (2019-20).

Notwithstanding challenges faced by COVID19 pandemic, India’s export of processed food products has witnessed a growth of 26.51%in Rupee term during April-February (2020-21), compared to the same period during the previous year (2019-20).

The total value of export of processed products was Rs. 43,798 crores during April-February 2021 as per the quick estimates.

Major processed food products exported from India include pulses, processed vegetables, processed fruits and juices, groundnuts, guar gum, cereals preparations, milled products, alcoholic beverages, and oil meals.

Value added products such as processed vegetables, alcoholic beverages, and milled products have witnessed a robust growth of more than 40% in April-Feb (2020-21) compared to same period in the previous fiscal (2019-20).

The export of miscellaneous processed items including Indian snacks, sauces, starch products, vegetable flours, malt products etc and pulses grew by 36% and 33% respectively in the first 11 months of the current financial year (2020-21). Considerable exports growth was achieved for the cereals-based products (18%), processed fruits and juices (12%) and Groundnut (7%). The export of oil meals rose by 96% in current fiscal (April-Feb).

Despite Covid 19 pandemic disrupted trade around the world, the overall growth of 26.51% achieved in export of processed food products of APEDA scheduled products due to concerted efforts and initiatives taken to facilitate export from India.

According to Dr. M. Angamuthu, Chairman, APEDA, this trend of increasing exports of processed food products is likely to continue in the next financial year (2021-22).  Increase in demand of Pulses, Processed fruits and vegetables, Milled products, cereals preparations and other processed items is seen especially from Middle East, Far East, USA and UK markets.

Table: Value of Exports of processed food products

 April-February  (2020-21)
GUAR GUM2107121742
Oil MEALS 11471
TOTAL 43798

For boosting agricultural and processed food products exports, APEDA initiated series of measures including virtual buyer seller meet, product promotion meeting, webinars, creation of products specific export promotion forums, ensuring market access through organizing exports promotion activities, MOUs with key stakeholders, extending financial assistance for exports promotion and promotion of GI products

Virtual Buyer Seller Meet: To leverage on the opportunity arising out of COVD 19 pandemic situation, APEDA organized virtual buyer seller meets in association with Indian Missions abroad, promoting exports of APEDA mandated products. More than 25 BSMs were organized since March 2020 with Singapore, Russia, GCC Countries, Sweden & Latvia, UAE, Kuwait, Indonesia, Switzerland, Belgium, Iran, Canada, USA, Thailand, South Africa, Bhutan, Australia, Oman, Saudi Arab and Germany. The virtual buyer seller meets have generated interest among the importers and the exporters have informed that these interactions have generated trade enquiries from many countries.

Product Promotion meetings & webinar: Regular interactions are organized with the trade to understand the difficulties faced at each level in supply chain of exports for taking up with the concerned organizations for resolving the issues. Meetings have been organized with the exporters, food processing industries, ICAR institutes, NPPO and state agriculture departments. Issues emerged have been taken up with the concerned agencies for early solutions

Products Specific Export Promotion Forums: Products specific Export Promotion Forums (EPFs) were formed to facilitate export in association with stakeholders across the entire production and supply chain.

Opening up market access &export promotion in International markets:APEDA has played an important role in opening up of new market for agricultural products in the recent past such as Canada, China, South Korea, Taiwan, Portugal, Indonesia, Iran etc. Export promotion in International markets such as Indonesia led to increase in quota for exports.

MoUs with various stakeholders for enhancing agri exports: Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) have been signed with NCUI, NCDC, NABARD, ASCI, QCI, IIT Delhi, ICFA, SFAC and TRIFED and AFC India Ltd. for mutual cooperation to address issues emerging in the AEP in respective States. MoUs are also being signed with agricultural universities and ICARs for enhancing quality exports from the country.

Agriculture and Processed Foods Export Promotion Scheme: Financial assistance under Agriculture and Processed Foods Export Promotion Scheme of APEDA for the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework was provided under Scheme for infrastructure Development, Quality Development and Market Promotion.

Export promotion of GI products: APEDA has taken initiative to promote exports of products which registered with Geographical Indications (GI) certification in India by organizing Virtual Buyer Seller Meets with UAE and USA in association with the Indian mission abroad. APEDA is continuing with the initiative of conducting Virtual Buyer Seller Meets (VBSM) with potential importing Countries to popularize the GI products of major Agri commodities potential for export