TRIFED takes a giant leap towards digitisation of Tribal Commerce

Tribes India Brings More Product Range with Inclusion of 100 New Forest Fresh Organic Products

TRIFED under Ministry of Tribal Affairs has included 100 new Forest Fresh Organic Products in its range of Tribes India products to bring more of nature’s bounty. Forest Fresh Naturals and Organics, a new range of tribal produce and products, was unveiled by Shri Pravir Krishna, Managing Director,

TRIFED under Ministry of Tribal Affairs has included 100 new Forest Fresh Organic Products in its range of Tribes India products to bring more of nature’s bounty. Forest Fresh Naturals and Organics, a new range of tribal produce and products, was unveiled by Shri Pravir Krishna, Managing Director, TRIFED virtually today. On a weekly basis, 100 new products / produce will be launched and included in the Tribes India catalogue. The first set of 100 products were launched online today. These and the subsequently included produce/ products will be available in 125 Tribes India outlets, Tribes India mobile vans and also on online platforms such as the Tribes India E-marketplace ( and e-tailers. As its part of its sustained initiatives to help sustain incomes and livelihoods of tribal artisans and forest dwellers, newer products and natural produce have been sourced from tribals across the country.

Speaking on the occasion, Shri Pravir Krishna said, “We are proud to unveil Forest Fresh Organics, our new range of tribal produce and products. 100 new tribal produce, predominantly natural produce and immunity boosters, sourced from tribal communities from across India will be included. The inclusion of organic, essential natural immunity-boosting products through different channels will help ensure that people adopt a sustainable and wholesome way of living. This will also go a long way in promoting and empowering tribals (both artisans and forest dwellers) across the country. The sales proceeds of these goods, irrespective of the channel, will directly go to the tribals.”

These new products, sourced from different parts of the country will enhance Tribes India’s vast and rich repertoire. Among the products launched today, include golden green and red apples from Kinnaur, Himachal Pradesh; baskets and boxes made from Munj grass from Uttarakhand, seeded Tamarind, cloves, eucalyptus oil, coffee powder from the Nilgiri tribes in Tamil Nadu; Tribes India branded masks made by the Meena tribes of Rajasthan; varieties of organic, immunity booster Churan and Kadha from the Gond, Bhil tribes of Madhya Pradesh; Mahua bamboo candles made by the Bhilala tribes from Shivganga, Jhabua of Madhya Pradesh; organic, immunity boosting powders such as Giloy powder, jamun powder; a range of pulses and khichdi mixes from Maharashtra and Gujarat. From the North- east, products being included are different kinds of pickles (jackfruit, olive), juices (bel), and joha and red rice.

All the products have been sourced from tribals pan India from states such as Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand and the North-East to name a few. In addition to these, certain products that have been processed, packaged under the Van Dhan tribal start-ups, a component of the MSP scheme which has emerged as a source of employment generation for tribal gatherers and forest dwellers and the home-bound tribal artisans, have also been included.

The inclusion of these unique products will help both the customer and the affected tribal population. On one hand, pure natural produce, a gift of nature will reach and boost families across the country, and support tribal livelihoods. In these trying times, when the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted lives in more ways than one, people are focusing on healthier ways of living and staying as safe as possible.

Adapting ‘Go Vocal for Local’, a mantra in these troubled times, into ‘Go Vocal for Local Go Tribal’, TRIFED has been striving to ameliorate the condition of the distressed and affected tribal people by putting in place several path-breaking initiatives, in addition to its existing flagship programmes and implementations, which have emerged as a panacea and relief.

Keeping in line with the clarion call of ‘Atmanirbhar Abhiyan’, TRIFED has also launched an exclusive e-marketplace for tribal producers – forest dwellers and artisans, to facilitate the purchase of MFPs, handicrafts and handlooms online. The Tribes India E-Mart platform ( is an omni-channel facility for tribals to sell their goods to a large national and international audience in an e-marketplace through their own e-shop. TRIFED is in the process of onboarding approximately 5 lakh tribal producers across the country and sourcing their natural produce and handcrafted goods.

Source: PIB