Russia Israel-Putin Netanyahu- Dharmakshethra

Russian, Israeli Military Delegations Likely to Meet in Moscow

Tel Aviv, Dec 9 (Sputnik) Military delegations from Russia and Israel may meet in Moscow in the next few days to discuss coordination of the two states’ forces on the Syrian territory, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.

Tel Aviv, Dec 9 (Sputnik) Military delegations from Russia and Israel may meet in Moscow in the next few days to discuss coordination of the two states’ forces on the Syrian territory, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Sunday.

“I spoke yesterday to Russian President Vladimir Putin.
We agreed that the delegations of the Israel Defense Forces and the Russian Armed Forces will meet as soon as possible.
I hope [the meeting will take place] in the coming days, probably, in Moscow,” Netanyahu told the Israeli cabinet.

Moscow and Tel Aviv announced on Saturday following phone talks between the two countries’ leaders that the meeting is meant to address issues of coordination of the two states’ forces in Syria after September’s crash of a Russian Il-20 jet.

Source: UniIndia

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