India to come up with S&T Innovation Policy soon

India to Come up With Science & Technology Innovation Policy Soon

The new policy to be helmed by the Department of Science and Technology would highlight various challenges that India needs to address with innovation in the science and technology sector.

India in next six months will draft a National Science and Technology Innovation Policy to devise country’s strategy to tackle emerging challenges, said Dr K VijayRaghavan, Principal Scientific Advisor to the Prime Minister on Thursday.

“The last time, we had a policy on science was in 2013, which was drafted by the Science Advisory council, of which I was a member. It was good, but there were some issues which had to be rectified. The new Science and Technology Innovation policy which we plan to bring now, would be more forward looking,” said Raghavan.

The new policy to be helmed by the Department of Science and Technology would highlight various challenges that India needs to address with innovation in the science and technology sector.

“We have had some initial discussions, but more deliberations would take place during the next three months,” said the senior scientist, highlighting that science and technology sector is extremely crucial in the years going ahead.

India’s first draft of National Science and Technology Innovation Policy released in 2013 had aimed to synergise science, technology and innovation and create environment for enhanced participation of private sector in research and development. It also called for setting up a robust innovation system and positioning India among the top five scientific powers by 2020.

The policy also proposed active role in the National Action Plan for Climate Change.

“The major challenges that India and the world face now, are both in sync and India is uniquely placed to provide solutions to some of those challenges –climate change, environment and sustainable development,” he said, elaborating on government’s plans to transform India into a new-age investment hub.

He said the meetings with the stakeholders would take place at four levels, keeping the changing world scenario. The first level of consultations would include representation from citizens wherein people could highlight their primary issues, like need for more research in treatment of Cancer.

Second level of consultations would be with the state governments and their demands pertaining to making cities world-class, third level would involve various Ministries and fourthly the core of science and technology sector- the research.

“Fundamental research is the core of science. We need that balance on applied and basic research in different fields. This would be at the core of the policy,” said Raghavan.

Source: Live Mint

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