Understanding Hatha Yoga

Today, the most commonly known and practiced version of Yoga is Hatha Yoga. The aim of the Hatha Yoga is the conquest of the body and the life-energies that sustains it. Hatha is a Sanskrit word formed out of two words, Ha and Tha. Ha means Sun and Tha means moon. Generally, there is an equilibrium established by the nature between the physical body and the activating vitality; the quality of that equilibrium determines the health of the body and its functions. The flow of the life energy is as much as the body can absorb and bear. It is possible, however by certain exercises, with which we can manipulate the breathes to fine tune this equilibrium and induce a larger supply of Pranic force. The body can be rendered more supple and capable of supporting more and more pressure of the vitalizing forces without spilling them.

Usually, the body shows restlessness and unregulated movement when there is a more than usual coursing of life-force. By a series of fixed postures of the limbs, asanas, the body is trained to remove itself of these tremors and tensions to stay firm and immobile. The asanas are designed so that they train the different parts of the body by relaxing their nerves, channelizing the life-force in them. They promote and increasing control over their functioning and perfect them. This immobility gives better power over the movements of own body and perform actions with ease and capacity. One could acquire, better health, a larger life force and suppleness of the physical body. Fatigue is controlled, endurance is increased and youthfulness of self is prolonged through the continued practice of Hatha Yoga.

Another benefit from the asanas, is the elimination of the impurities that clog the channels of life-force. When needed, certain physical aids for the cleansing of the system are used as part of the discipline. This prana can course with greater facility and freedom. This opens the pathway for the larger influx of life force from the universal reservoir.

Pranayama is the basic and the vital method for promotion of the control and exercise of the actions of life force, prana. Prana has a five fold operation in the body, the chief of which is the movement of the breathe itself. By regulating the breathe, elongating the period of respiration, changing the rhythms of inspiration, retention, and expiration, it is possible to acquire a control over the functioning of the life-force.

One can direct the pranic energies where it is required or desired, correct imbalances , make up for deficiencies,fortify the nervous system and in all ways ensure a robust and healthy life. Longetivity is a natural result of the proper utilization of the life force without wastage. It is possible by this direction of the life-breathe and exertion of its pressure dynamics to awaken the latent power dynamics in the body and open up the various energy centers which are either closed or only half- open.

Thus, both these forms of exercise, Asanas and Pranayama, complement each other and develop the optimum being of the human system beyond it’s normal limits. No doubt they are laborious, difficult and time consuming; they tend to become ends in themselves.

They ensure increased vitality, sound health, better immunity and a little more. Hatha Yoga can prepare a solid base in the body and fine tune the dynamism of life. But much remains to be done, especially in the purification and the liberation of the mind. For after all, the mind is all powerful in any person.

To work on the mind is the objective of RAJA YOGA.


Hatha Yoga: Connecting with the Sun and Moon

Author: Sorcerer